Sunday, August 23, 2015

Drink Green Tea Everyday!

Studies show that drinking green tea everyday can burn fat, curb appetite, and boost your metabolism round the clock! Try to drink cups a day! If you don't want caffeine, decaf is just as effective!

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Keep Almonds on Hand Everywhere You Go

Here is one thing I like to do that is a lifesaver!
Buy a big bag of almonds. (I like Blue Diamond Oven Roasted Sea Salt Almonds) Get a bunch of little baggies and put 12 almonds in each. Keep a couple of bags in your purse and car at all times! There have been so many times I end up on the road with the kids and it is one of my meal times and this will save you from stopping somewhere and buying the wrong thing. This really works! Nuts are amazing!

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Leave the Kitchen When on the Phone

Stay out of the kitchen when you are on the phone! Ever find yourself reaching for chips when you are deep into gossip and mindlessly eat half the bag! Yes! Make the decision to LEAVE the kitchen when the phone rings!

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Use the 3 Bite Rule

Use the 3 bite rule when having desserts. Take 3 small bites then put your fork down.

Say No to Diet Soda

Did you know that the more diet sodas you drink, the greater your risk of becoming overweight according to a University of Texas Health Science Center study.
Drinking just two or more cans a day increased waistlines by 500%! Why is this?
Artificial sweeteners can disrupt the body's natural ability to regulate calorie intake because of the sweetness of the food. This means that people who eat "diet" foods are more likely to overeat because your body is being tricked into thinking it is eating sugar and you crave more!

Image result for glass of soda